Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Walkabout wednesday

Not a lot to say this week. I spent most of the week off the internet reading and contemplating existence at Pawnee Lake State Recreation Area. That was good.

I met Josh Tewksbury at the Society for Convservation Biology meeting in Baltimore 2 summers back. He's got an interesting post up with some thoughts on the NGO vs. Academe divide from the perspective of his position as the directory of a boundary organization, the Luc Hoffman Institute. His point that "Science [is] at the side table" is spot on! (ht: Meg Duffy@Dynamic Ecology)

Don Driscoll from ANU has a great piece about feral horses in Australia's Snowy Mountains being pushed to cannibalism in order to survive. There are lots of great connections here to environmental issues in the USA, including feral horses, feral cats, overabundant deer, and mountain lions, to name just a few. Students of Larkin Powell have video of deer eating baby birds out of a nest. So just because you're a herbivore doesn't mean you'll pass up a meaty meal.

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